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Science and Engineering Lab (SEL)

                 Technology is an integral part of any job these days, so it is vital that our kids get taught it so they are well prepared for their futures. We support schools to incorporate STEM into their classes. Robotics is a great way to get kids excited about science, technology, engineering, and math topics. Educational robotics teaches the design, analysis, application and operation of robots. Robots include articulated robots, mobile robots or autonomous vehicles. Educational robotics can be taught from elementary school to graduate programs. Robotics may also be used to motivate and facilitate the instruction other, often foundation, topics such as computer programming, artificial intelligence or engineering design.

Why Robotics Courses for School Students?

             Robotics is one of the most promising technologies that is going to find its place in almost all the applications of future. From industrial manufacturing and space exploration to driving your car and preparing food in your kitchen, all activities are going to be done by Robots. Robotics was never more important than today. Robots bring a lot of efficiency, accuracy and reliability at low costs, making them ideal for applications all over the world. Students should start learning Robotics and develop an understanding on the technology from school level. This will give them the ability to understand the world and the way the world is getting shaped.

Learning Robotics also help students to develop much needed competencies like critical thinking, structural thinking, creativity and problem solving abilities which are hard to learn through conventional classroom sessions. Robotics help students to understand how science and technology is impacting the world through innovative implementation

Science and Engineering Lab

What SEL do?

  •  Seed an innovative thought process to young Brains
  •  Enable the opportunity to think and imagine
  •  Guide and stream line their Ideas with proper validation
  •  Provide the infra to convert Idea into Live
  •  Support for project implementation
  •  Explain how their Idea implemented in well known real time application
  •  In addition to that, Forumla-To-Kit (FTK) implementation (Academic Subject)
Basics of Electronics
Team Work
Managing Self